Friday, 1 April 2016

Beautiful Change

The Wednesday evening Outflow meal had just ended and people were in there seats chatting and waiting for the weekly bible study to begin. I was finishing up my usual preparations when something unusual happened. Behind me a voice spoke out, "Pray for me. Pray that the devil don't get me." I turned to see a man who had been staying at our shelter asking for prayer from a Christian lady sitting on the other side of the room. The room went silent. Something serious was happening and it seemed everyone knew it. The lady assured the man that she would pray for him and encouraged him to pray to God himself. "I need Jesus to save me", the man said with a look of desperation on his face. It was as if they were the only two people in the room. I watched as the lady walked over to where the man was sitting and began to pray for him. Everyone in the room was now in silent prayer with them. Then it happened. The man interrupted her prayer with his own. A prayer of repentance and faith in Jesus as his Healer, Rescuer and Master.

In the old days Christians would call this a "conversion". This term gives some people the willies nowadays and I can definitely understand why. When I hear the word conversion I automatically have this image in my mind of a 1950's Pastor with thick black rimmed glasses and a giant bible talking of how many conversions there were on Sunday morning. Of course this is a bit of a caricature with probably some truth to it, but I'm wondering if the word conversion is as bad as I thought. Conversion is simply the act or process of changing from one state, form or belief to another. That doesn't sound so scary. The fact is that people are converting all the time. Some are converting from one way of thinking to another, one brand to another, one faith to another, and so on.

The fact is, while we don't really use the word conversion at Outflow, we do believe in the truth of it. We love it when people see Jesus for who he is: the resurrected and reigning Son of God who loves them and gave himself for them. We love it when people not only see these truths, but also want this Jesus and love him. This is what the bible calls genuine faith. They move from unbelief to belief. From death to life. From seeing themselves in charge of their lives to Christ being in charge. From an enemy of God to being his child. This is good. This is conversion.
